Avnet DP-eMMC High Speed IO Module
This high-speed I/O module is designed for the ZUBoard 1CG development board and features Micron eMMC memory and two lanes of high resolution DisplayPort video output. This add-on board, with its combination of DisplayPort video and eMMC SSD storage, adds essential features of high definition video and rugged bootable storage to the ZUBoard 1CG.
A Vivado project PetaLinux BSP with these features enabled is provided, allowing users to quickly add a PC-like user experience to their ZUBoard 1CG dev board.
Target Applications:
- IoT
- AI
Key Features:
- 32 GB eMMC memory
- 2 lanes of DisplayPort video output (max resolution 4K x 2K @30 fps)
Kit Includes:
- DP-eMMC High Speed IO Module